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About Megan

MeganIn my day job, I work in local government where I have seen many changes since I commenced in 2005. The changes I see across a number of professions and industries is disheartening. Colleagues, acquaintances and friends are falling apart! There are incredibly intelligent, awesome hard workers and professionals that do amazing jobs, yet they are crumbling under the weight of an invisible force!

Do you SEE IT?  Are you or someone you know experiencing this?

The words Burn-Out - STRESSED - OVERWHELMED - BRAIN FOG echo throughout offices...

QUESTION: How much money and time do we spend going to University or completing that next LEARN Knowledge about a topic?

How much time and money do you or your business INVEST in YOU for YOURSELF to HELP YOU understand how YOU tick?


WELL, it might be Perceived as this, however, this is THE KEY.

We are SO great at gathering information but we do not know how to use what we already have...inside of us, and in turn forgetting about ourselves in the process.

You can't do anything great unless you give back to yourself, FILL YOUR CUP UP FIRST...not the other way around.

DO YOU FEEL LOST about WHO YOU ARE? What is your PURPOSE. You may have many roles in your daily life mum, dad, employer, employee....that you play.... These roles can take over and define us.

I am a mum, sister, daughter, scout leader, friend, colleague, mentor …….I went from Burn Out, to Slurring my words, to not being able to process the most simple daily tasks at home and at work.


IT WAS all in my HEAD!

  • The Doctors said there was nothing Medically Wrong
  • The counsellors said that you are OK, you are an intelligent person and you know what to do.


It took 2 YEARS of researching and learning to find a step-by-step process with an awesome group of mentors that have picked me up….dusted off the cobwebs....and helped me through a structured program to find the keys to unlocking my identity, find my purpose and a pathway to living a purposeful life that is calm and effortless life.

I want to share this with the world. I want to help people that HAVE TOLD themselves that:

  • this is it,
  • it's as good as it gets and
  • its only downhill from here.

STOP! It's not TRUE!

I went through it and I don't want to show you by being your guide to stopping you spiralling down that rabbit hole and feel like there is no way out.

My Journey, My Experiences and the Proctor Gallagher Programs are second to none. I am proof that change doesn’t need to be hard, and that once you understand yourself the rest will fall into place.

Megan Nilon

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